Welcome Back Camp Jorn Alumni!

For over 70 years, Camp Jorn YMCA has been creating life-changing summer experiences for campers and staff and life changing memories for future alumni. As a result thousands of CJ alumni around the world credit Jorn for the best summers of their lives.

Welcome back to the Camp Jorn Community. We're so excited you're here.

Camp Jorn YMCA is fortunate to have a dedicated group of alumni who maintain their Camp friendships, and “give back” to the Camp community. Many alumni send their children to Camp, attend Family Camp, and are annual donors to the Strong Kids Campaign.

Our alumni are critical in building our collective memory of the camp by collecting, archiving, and sharing historical information related to the camp. By building this trove of resources, we will be able to preserve the camp experience for future campers, stimulate our recruitment efforts, and help alumni rekindle the magic of Camp Jorn.

There are a multitude of ways that you can play a role in helping to spread the word about the uniqueness of our camp and the values, friendships and creativity it fosters. Your involvement and commitment to Camp Jorn will not only be gratifying, but a great deal of fun. So we hope you will join us, share your stories, and sign up for the email newsletter to stay on top of all the exciting developments.

A Camp Jorn experience stays with you for a lifetime. We invite all Camp Jorn Alumni to stay connected with camp. We invite you to tell  your story!

Jessy (Zich) & Thomas Zaia
Jessy (Zich) & Thomas Zaia

We want to keep in touch with you. Reconnect with old friends. Share photos & memories. Stay connected to Camp.

Alumni Registration

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Volunteer. Our staff invites you to come to Camp Jorn and share your time and talents with us!

Learn more

1986 - The Jims - Mike Everard, Steve Hunter, Pat Burnett - from Wendy Jones

Fundraise. Make sure that the magic of a CJ summer experience stays affordable for all families by fundraising and encouraging alumni participating in the Camp Jorn YMCA Strong Kids Campaign.

Learn more

2003 06 19 - Staff - Tom and Annie

Alumni News & Events. Here for all your alumni news, stories, pictures and memories from years past & present.

Learn more

Contact Us

Please contact Jenn Davis to share suggestions on how to improve our Alumni page. We want to make sure that our Alumni page does what YOU want it to do.

Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

We want to make connecting with your old camp friends even easier! To stay connected be sure to like and follow the Camp Jorn YMCA Alumni page.